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Phoenix Madison Square Garden, July 2005

Historic Documentation
In July 2005, National Government Properties contracted with Arizona Historical Research to document Phoenix Madison Square Garden (pdf) in Phoenix, Arizona. The original report is located at the City of Phoenix Historic Preservation Office. Copies of the original report are located at Arizona State University Hayden Library and the Arizona Historical Society. The copy published here has been slightly modified. The following are some of the changes from the original printed text.

  1. Some of the photographs were removed. The intent this action was to reduce the size of the file for people to be able to download and read. There was also a copyright issue in respect to having the proper permissions to publish or republish the work of others. Since there was an uncertainty as to what copyrights existed, it was decided to remove the photographs from the web published version. Photographs of the various characters mentioned in the documentation can be found at Wrestling Mueseum Hall of Fame, AZ Wrestling Legends, and Jody Arnold.

  2. The oral histories and telephone interviews were removed. When conducted, the interviewees were not informed that their information would be published on the web. The interviews are cited in the text and the transcripts are located with the printed documents at the City of Phoenix Historic Preservation Office, Arizona State University Hayden Library, and Arizona Historical Society - Papago Park. The oral history tape recordings will eventually be housed at the Arizona State University Hayden Library.

  3. The newspaper articles, which were a sampling to represent some of the various facets of the project, were removed to reduce the size of the document. These articles, with the exception of the contemporary article on 1950s Rock and Roll, were scanned from microfilm print outs -- link to be published soon.

  4. Letters and memos from the original report - link to be published soon.

  5. Original architectural plans

  6. The contemporary photographs of the building.
All photos have been published to this site; this area is still in progress. Photos, as well as other files, are not to be replicated, reproduced, or published without permission of Arizona Historical Research.
As more information is located, we will attempt to make this part of the site more current. Additional information about the PMSG and the efforts to preserve the structure can be found at the Downtown Voices Coalition website

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