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Phoenix Streetscape Conservation Documents

The purpose of the Phoenix Streetscape Conservation Report (the "Report") is to create a framework for the conservation and preservation of Phoenix streetscapes by identifying streetscape types, defining their characteristics, and detailing mitigation measures for proposed changes. The report was written with careful consideration of the ongoing efforts of city and state planners, and private developers. It does not supersede officially adopted plans and policies or zoning ordinances established for the city, but instead assists in guiding the implementation of future projects.

The Report consists of two parts. Part I provides a historical narrative on the evolution of streetscapes to assist in placing streetscapes within their appropriate historic context and for the compilation of comparative and thematic data for streetscape evaluation. Part II focuses on the identification of streetscape types based upon their defining characteristics to assist in evaluating their significance. It also includes recommended treatment standards and guidelines to help historic streetscapes retain their historic character, and the regulations and requirements affecting streetscape treatment.

The Report and the associated Phoenix Streetscape Conservation Guide (the "Guide") were developed pursuant to a memorandum agreement between the Arizona State Historic Preservation Office and Valley Metro as required under Section 106 of the National Preservation Act and were reviewed by the Phoenix Historic Preservation Office for concurrence with other city studies, plans, and guidelines. A forum conducted in October 2008 and attended by professionals in the fields of planning, preservation, horticulture, architecture, and landscape architecture assisted in development of typologies and lists of streetscape characteristics.

The Guide is designed for use in the field. Using a typology based on four basic streetscape categories—rural, neighborhood, commercial, and boulevard—the guide is divided into sections based on each type. Each section contains a brief history of the streetscape and an explanation of what characteristics need to be present to make it significant, a descriptive listing of the streetscape’s essential characteristics, and recommended treatments.

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Saturday, February 15, 2025 4:45:28 AM